Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gitmo to the Heartland?

Since the change of power in Washington, we have all noticed some "change" coming. Tax the group of Americans that employ people, not small businesses, large businesses that employ thousands of people. That is only an example of the "change" the President is talking. Although that is a subject we need to explore at length, I will move onto what is really bugging me today. Closing Gitmo so that terrorists can exercise there "rights as Americans."

First, a very close friend of mine spent over four months in Baghdad in late 2003. He told me of seeing a tractor trailer with a flat bed in tow modified to carry prisoners of the previous night's raid of a terrorist stronghold. He spoke of eighty plus terrorists, hands cuffed behind their back's loaded into the back of the truck. His description of these men is chilling. Speaking of the looks on their faces, not fear or regret. The look in the eyes of these men was pure evil and hate. Their only failure was being captured before they could kill more American service people, or just plain old Americans if they could have found a way into our country.

This is a look at the type of people being held at Gitmo, these aren't farmers who were mistaken as terrorists, these are hardened infidel hating jihadists. Now we are told to handle them with kid gloves and move them into the good 'ol USA so that they can be tried as criminals. I am not one to say torture is the way to go, but allowing them council and access to our courts is madness. These people were waging war against us, not hanging out at the local burger stand, they are enemy combatants, period.

Now, we want to move them the federal prison system. One spot is Leavenworth, KS. Now this is a little close to my current home, too close in fact. I mean really the federal prison system, home to people not real happy with our government, maybe not the best place for these guys to be hanging out. I am just saying.

If anyone has any doubt about the type of people being held at Gitmo, let's remember that two of the "innocent" ones have been returned to the Middle East only to show up on Arab television beside themselves with joy to be rejoining the fight. Hey Pelosi, they said rejoining the fight, not I have been turned into a terrorist by the Great Satan.

Closing Gitmo is about as good an idea as going to a memorabilia show with O. J. Simpson. Really, the government has a duty to protect its people, not to protect Islamic Extremists. Closing Gitmo threatens our safety. Can one predict if this will lead to future attacks on our country, no. But one can theorize that there are more "innocent" jihadists there who would love to go home and rejoin the fight.

When will our ruling party learn that there are some truths to this war. Simple truth is we are in one war with multiple fronts. To many liberals I will restate its name so that they might be able to understand, its name is the Global War on Terror. Did we count each front during World War II as a separate war? No. Now to vent a little further, if you just do some research you can find that Islamic Extremists have one goal, a Muslim World. News flash, that world goes from pole to pole and all points in between.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I want to welcome you to Common Sense For the People. I hope you will read and enjoy. Over time I will get into what is driving me crazy in all things political. To think, my opinions without shrieking liberals interupting me with their open minds.

I will also share what I am reading, favorite authors, music and general stuff that makes us all get by day to day. Why does one feel like Doogie Howser when they start one of these things? In addition we will dive into today's socialist movement known as the Democratic Party and how and why we should all be grabbing for our wallets and spreading the message of the true loss of freedom that these "enlightened" individuals want to take from you and your states.

Along the way we will have some fun, laugh and from time to time, learn from each other. Any errors in format will hopefully go away soon, this is my first attempt so be patient, I just switched over to digital only to find out I had four more months.

Thanks for coming,

Johnny Whang