Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I want to welcome you to Common Sense For the People. I hope you will read and enjoy. Over time I will get into what is driving me crazy in all things political. To think, my opinions without shrieking liberals interupting me with their open minds.

I will also share what I am reading, favorite authors, music and general stuff that makes us all get by day to day. Why does one feel like Doogie Howser when they start one of these things? In addition we will dive into today's socialist movement known as the Democratic Party and how and why we should all be grabbing for our wallets and spreading the message of the true loss of freedom that these "enlightened" individuals want to take from you and your states.

Along the way we will have some fun, laugh and from time to time, learn from each other. Any errors in format will hopefully go away soon, this is my first attempt so be patient, I just switched over to digital only to find out I had four more months.

Thanks for coming,

Johnny Whang

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