Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Crying Shame

Last night at the fire station, three of us were huddled around a computer watching the animated, play by play of the World Baseball Classic game between the U. S. Team and Puerto Rico. If you haven’t been living under a rock, you know that the National Team won in walk off fashion with a three run ninth inning.

You may say to yourself that it is really touching the way that this game brought people together. I agree. What I don’t agree with is that one of the most exciting games in recent memory, last MLB season included, was not watched on television, it was read on the internet.

I say shame on ESPN, Fox Sports and even the national networks who chose not to show the National Team play the National Past Time on television. In today’s world we get television shows about “Real Life”, contrived talent competitions but we can’t watch baseball in March. It’s baseball, our game, the perfect game. A game where talent is necessary but not binding. A game where David can slay Goliath. Would you expect to see Northern Illinois beat USC in football? Hardly. But in baseball? That is not only a possibility but even probable in a three game series.

In a time when patriotism is being defined by turning a blind eye to the Democrat Party’s attempt to make America a Socialist State, we need to be reminded that a group of individuals can come together with a common goal and succeed. No government assistance needed, just talent, hard work and the ability to look adversity in the face and smile. This is what America needs.

Will baseball fix the problems of America? Probably not, but reminding our citizens that hard work and dedication has a direct pay off could do wonders. The talking heads at the sports networks constantly talk that the U. S. Players aren’t that interested in the outcome of this event or even if they play, but last night’s game proved them wrong. As I read tonight’s play by play it is the sports networks that seem not interested.

Duty Calls!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I have been thinking. The cost of the Economic Stimulus Package. In all of the phases that have been added to from the previous administration to the current one, we have passed the one trillion mark. In fact, we passed it so quickly and subtly that you can’t even see it in your rearview mirror.

Now we have all been assured that the payment for this will come from tax increases on the fortunate achievers in this country who make a quarter of a million dollars a year. Let’s look at this, these people already pay 41% of the bills for our government. That is almost half. Yes, I can do percentages, even though I am not a Harvard grad. Now if we tax this demographic more, well now they pay 50% or more of the operating costs of our great country.

That leads me to this question, what happens when that is not enough? And anyway you slice it, tear it apart, dissect it, that is not enough money. Do you see where I am going? Yes, then the sector of earners with higher taxes will have to be expanded. Now maybe it falls to anyone earning $150,000 a year. That is still upper middle class isn’t it? Why should those fortunate souls get a free pass? And when that is not enough? A hundred thousand a year? That is a family of two, fifty thousand dollar a year earners who happen to be married. Marriage penalty? The Democrats were not really thrilled about doing away with that.

Many will think that I am just being an alarmist, but with talk of cutting the deficit, does anyone think that more tax increases are on the way? I for one not only believe that more tax increases are on the way but they will be on everyone. There is talk of additional gas taxes, doesn’t everyone buy gas?

This congress and current administration are drunk with power and are writing checks this country can’t cash. Of course we all watch the national news and see that everyone thinks that we are going in the right direction, approval ratings are great and we are all ready to sit around the camp fire and sing Joan Baez songs. I say that the true approval rating lies with the stock market. Let’s look at today, March 3, 2009. The market was up 20 points before the Fed Chair called for higher taxes and more spending and then what happened? A forty point loss in less than an hour and another record low. At this rate, this administration will be calling for taxes on welfare earnings.

Duty calls!

You Just Have to Laugh

I got this from the Glen Beck Blog. I have to admit that reading it made me laugh out loud so I thought I would share it with the rest of the world who may have missed it.

From the Washington Post:
“We’ve already set up a Web site,, which will show where and how the money is being spent,” the vice president told the leaders of the United States Conference of Mayors during a speech in the East Room of the White House. “The public can actually go on a Web site and see how we’re spending this money.”
But the stimulus site is not — it’s

From CBS News asking about
CBS: By the way, do you know the website?
Biden: You know, I’m embarrassed. Do you know the website number? (looking offstage) I should have it in front of me and I don’t. I’m actually embarrassed.