Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Crying Shame

Last night at the fire station, three of us were huddled around a computer watching the animated, play by play of the World Baseball Classic game between the U. S. Team and Puerto Rico. If you haven’t been living under a rock, you know that the National Team won in walk off fashion with a three run ninth inning.

You may say to yourself that it is really touching the way that this game brought people together. I agree. What I don’t agree with is that one of the most exciting games in recent memory, last MLB season included, was not watched on television, it was read on the internet.

I say shame on ESPN, Fox Sports and even the national networks who chose not to show the National Team play the National Past Time on television. In today’s world we get television shows about “Real Life”, contrived talent competitions but we can’t watch baseball in March. It’s baseball, our game, the perfect game. A game where talent is necessary but not binding. A game where David can slay Goliath. Would you expect to see Northern Illinois beat USC in football? Hardly. But in baseball? That is not only a possibility but even probable in a three game series.

In a time when patriotism is being defined by turning a blind eye to the Democrat Party’s attempt to make America a Socialist State, we need to be reminded that a group of individuals can come together with a common goal and succeed. No government assistance needed, just talent, hard work and the ability to look adversity in the face and smile. This is what America needs.

Will baseball fix the problems of America? Probably not, but reminding our citizens that hard work and dedication has a direct pay off could do wonders. The talking heads at the sports networks constantly talk that the U. S. Players aren’t that interested in the outcome of this event or even if they play, but last night’s game proved them wrong. As I read tonight’s play by play it is the sports networks that seem not interested.

Duty Calls!

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